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Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 6(2): 256-261, abr.jun.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400206


A pandemia de COVID-19 deu ao mundo uma imagem clara do que é uma crise multidimensional em escala planetária, revelando o papel central que ocupa o setor de saúde e as profundas desigualdades no acesso aos cuidados em saúde que existem entre os diferentes países, e dentro de cada um deles. Melhorar os efeitos ambientais do setor e reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa pode não apenas melhorar a saúde de todos, mas também reduzir os custos com os cuidados em saúde. O setor de saúde de cada país libera direta e indiretamente gases de efeito estufa ao fornecer seus serviços e ao comprar produtos, serviços e tecnologias em uma cadeia de fornecimento de carbono intensivo. Educar os profissionais de saúde mais profundamente sobre os efeitos das mudanças climáticas pode levar a práticas clínicas mais sustentáveis, melhorando os resultados para os pacientes e fornecendo um impulso substancial para aumentar os esforços para reduzir as emissões de carbono. O setor da saúde deve assumir a responsabilidade por sua pegada climática respondendo à crescente emergência climática, não apenas prestando assistência aos doentes, feridos ou moribundos como resultado da crise climática e suas causas, mas também fazendo a prevenção primária e reduzindo drasticamente suas próprias emissões.

The COVID-19 pandemic has painted a clear picture of what a multidimensional planetary crisis is, revealing the central role played by the health sector and the deep inequalities in access to health care that exist between and within each country. Decreasing the environmental effects of the health sector and reducing greenhouse gas emission may not only improve people's health, but also reduce health care costs. The health care sectors around the world directly and indirectly release greenhouse gases by providing their services and purchasing products, services, and technologies within a carbon-intensive supply chain. Further educating health care professionals about the effects of climate change may lead to more sustainable clinical practices, improving patient outcomes and providing substantial impetus to increased efforts to reduce carbon emission. The health sector must take responsibility for its climate footprint by responding to the growing climate emergency not only by assisting the sick, injured, or dying from the climate crisis, but also by doing primary prevention and drastically reducing its own carbon emission.

Humans , Climate Change , Environmental Health , COVID-19 , Patients , Primary Prevention , Carbon , Health , Health Care Costs , Climate , Health Personnel , Greenhouse Effect , PubMed , Greenhouse Gases , Pandemics , Health Services Accessibility
Rev. méd. Chile ; 146(12): 1384-1389, dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-991347


Background: Measuring the carbon footprint (CF) makes it possible to estimate the contribution of clinical activity to global warming. Aim: To measure the emitter components of CO2 equivalents (CO2e) at the Hospital Base, Puerto Montt (HBPM). Material and methods: Descriptive study with data collected retrospectively between January and December 2016 from the HBPM database. The data analyzes direct and indirect emissions as well as other indirect emissions beyond the organizational limits. Results: Of the 9,660.3 tons of CO2e emitted by the HBPM in 2016, 46% were derived from consumption of electricity, 29% derived from the generation of residues, and 10% from clinical gas consumption, of which Sevoflurane was the greatest contributor. Conclusions: Clinical gases are a significant source of CO2e emissions. Sevoflurane alone is in fourth place in CO2e emissions at the HBPM. Estimating the CF produced by HBPM is the first step in the discussion of measures to reduce the environmental impact of our activity.

Humans , Greenhouse Effect/statistics & numerical data , Carbon Footprint/statistics & numerical data , Gases/chemistry , Hospitals/statistics & numerical data , Chile , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Retrospective Studies
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 33(2): 274-277, abr.-jun. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-795378


RESUMEN Se realizó un estudio para calcular la huella de carbono generada por los establecimientos de salud del tercer nivel de atención ubicados en la ciudad de Lima, Perú, en el año 2013. Se obtuvieron los reportes del consumo de recursos energéticos y agua, así como la generación de residuos de cinco establecimientos, los cuales contribuyeron al cambio climático con la emisión de 14 462 teq CO2. El 46% de estas emisiones están asociadas al consumo de combustible para el funcionamiento de la casa de fuerza, generadores eléctricos y vehículos de transporte. Un 44% se relacionan con el consumo de energía eléctrica, y el restante 10% con la utilización de agua y generación de residuos sólidos hospitalarios. CO2, N2O y CH4 son los gases de efecto invernadero incluidos en la estimación de la huella de carbono. Los hospitales tienen un impacto ambiental negativo, principalmente debido al consumo de combustibles fósiles.

ABSTRACT This study was performed to calculate the carbon footprint generated by third-level health care centers located in Lima, Peru, in 2013. Reports were obtained on the consumption of energy resources and water as well as on waste generation from the five centers, which contributed to climate change with an emission of 14,462 teq of CO2. A total of 46% of these emissions were associated with fuel consumption by the powerhouse, power generators, and transport vehicles; 44% was related to energy consumption; and the remaining 10% was related to the use of water and generation of solid hospital waste. CO2, N2O, and CH4 are the greenhouse gases included in the estimated carbon footprint. Our results show that hospitals have a negative environmental impact, mainly due to fossil fuel consumption.

Climate Change , Carbon Footprint , Peru , Greenhouse Effect
Acta amaz ; 46(1): 1-12, jan./mar. 2016. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455289


The soil carbon dioxide (CO2) efflux dynamics and its controlling factors of Amazonian agroforestry systems are poorly understood. The objective of this study was to evaluate the temporal variation of soil CO2 efflux in oil palm-based agroforestry systems and the relation between efflux and biotic (microbial and total soil carbon, microbial respiration, fine roots, individual components of agroforestry systems (AFS)) and abiotic factors (soil moisture and temperature). The measurements were taken during the less rainy (December 2010) and rainy (May 2011) periods. The soil CO2 efflux was highest during the rainy season, probably due to increased microbial activity influenced by climatic factors coupled with biotic factors. The soil CO2 efflux correlated positively with soil moisture and microbial biomass carbon and negatively with soil temperature and metabolic quotient, but these correlations were weak. The soil CO2 efflux was sensitive to the type of agroforestry system and to rainfall seasonality.

A dinâmica do efluxo de dióxido de carbono (CO2) do solo e seus fatores controladores em sistemas agroflorestais da Amazônia são pouco compreendidas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a variação temporal do efluxo de CO2 do solo em sistemas agroflorestais onde a palma de óleo é a cultura principal e sua relação com fatores bióticos (carbono microbiano do solo, carbono total do solo, respiração microbiana do solo, raízes finas do solo, indivíduos componentes dos sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) ) e abióticos (umidade e temperatura do solo). As medições foram realizadas nos períodos menos chuvoso (dezembro de 2010) e chuvoso (maio de 2011). O efluxo de CO2 do solo foi mais alto no período chuvoso, provavelmente, devido à maior atividade microbiana nesse período influenciada por fatores climáticos aliados a fatores bióticos. O efluxo de CO2do solo se correlacionou positivamente com umidade do solo e carbono da biomassa microbiana e negativamente com temperatura do solo e quociente metabólico, porém as correlações foram fracas. O efluxo de CO2do solo foi sensível ao tipo de sistema agroflorestal e a sazonalidade da precipitação.

Soil Analysis , Agricultural Cultivation , Carbon Dioxide/analysis , Greenhouse Effect , Biomass , Abiotic Factors , Biotic Factors
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 67(5): 1381-1389, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-764444


O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a produção de leite na região do Corede, com foco nas emissões de gases efeito estufa como uma externalidade negativa dessa importante atividade econômica. Para as estimativas de emissões, utilizou-se a metodologia Tier 1 proposta pelo IPCC. As emissões passaram de 1,0 gigagrama em 1974 para 8,64 gigagramas de CH4 em 2011, o que representa um acréscimo de 767% nas emissões estimadas para o início do período de análise. Em termos de taxa de crescimento geométrica, as emissões cresceram a uma taxa de 6,0% ao ano. No entanto, se for considerada a emissão média de metano por litro de leite produzido, pode-se observar que ela reduziu significativamente de valor durante o período analisado, passando de 58 gramas de CH4 por litro de leite produzido em 1974 para 24 gramas em 2011, ou seja, as emissões de metano por litro de leite se reduziram pela metade, evidenciando que o ganho de produtividade permite uma redução das emissões, desde que acompanhado por uma redução do rebanho e de estratégias de gestão que reduzam as emissões.

The article aims to analyze milk production in the region COREDE focusing on emissions of greenhouse gases as a negative externality of this important economic activity. For emission estimates we used the Tier 1 methodology proposed by the IPCC. Emissions increased from 1.0 in 1974 to 8.64 gigagrams CH4 in 2011, representing an increase of 767% on an estimate of the beginning of the analysis period emissions. In terms of the rate of geometric growth, emissions increased at a rate of 6.0% per year. However, if we consider the average methane emission per liter of milk produced, we can see that it reduced significantly in value during the analysis period, from 58 grams of CH4 per liter of milk produced in 1974 to 24 grams in 2011, meaning that methane emissions per liter of milk are reduced by half, showing that the productivity gain allows a reduction in emissions, since it is followed by a herd reduction and management strategies that reduce emissions.

Animals , Cattle , Animal Husbandry/methods , Methane , Milk , Cattle , Greenhouse Effect/prevention & control , Fermentation
Acta bioeth ; 21(1): 65-71, jun. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-749414


La tragedia de los recursos de uso común (sobreexplotación, contaminación) es una metáfora bien acuñada en la literatura. El aire es un recurso de uso común, sobre el que no existe propiedad privada. El problema del calentamiento global, derivado del exceso de gases de efecto invernadero (CO2, NO2, metano), generados por actividades humanas y el excesivo consumismo, y que se almacenan en la alta atmósfera causando cambios climáticos, es hoy una tragedia. Vivimos una nueva Era llamada del Antropoceno. Las soluciones monocéntricas globales a esta tragedia, de arriba hacia abajo -por ejemplo, Protocolo de Kyoto, de 1997- han fracasado. El artículo destaca la necesidad urgente de comenzar a usar soluciones estratégicas policéntricas -de abajo hacia arriba-, acciones individuales y colectivas, en conjunto con las globales, para enfrentar la tragedia. Ello debe basarse en la instalación masiva de una nueva ética ambiental responsable, basada, por ejemplo, en el principio ético de responsabilidad individual de Kutz. Para ello se necesita poner en acción una ciencia ambiental posmoderna, creíble, con una democratización del conocimiento, y alfabetizar a la sociedad en forma simple y directa sobre la información dura del cambio climático en todas sus dimensiones: negativas, positivas y de nuevas oportunidades. Los medios de comunicación social masivos pueden ser la clave para lograr este objetivo.

The tragedy of the commons (overexploitation, pollution) is a metaphor well anchored in the literature. The air is a common pool resource and private property does not exist. The global warming of the planet, caused by excess greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, NO2, methane), generated by human activities and consuming society, which are stored in the high atmosphere causing climatic changes, is today a tragedy. We live in a new Era, that of the Antrophocene. Monocentric solutions to this tragedy: topdown -for instance the Kyoto Protocol of 1997- have failed. The article highlights the urgent need to implement polycentric solutions to face the tragedy: bottomup, individual and collective actions in concurrence with topdown strategies. This needs to be based in the installation of a new environmental responsible ethic, for instance based in the individual responsible Kutz ethic principle. For this is needed to promote, as soon as possible, a postmodern environmental science, with credibility and a true democratization of knowledge. Moreover, there is a need for environmental alphabetization of our society based on hard knowledge about climatic changes and global warming, in all dimensions: negative, positive, new opportunities. The use of massive communication tools may be the key to achieve the goal.

A tragédia dos recursos de uso comum (superexploração, contaminação) é uma metáfora bem cunhada na literatura. O ar é um recurso de uso comum, sobre o qual não existe propriedade privada. O problema do aquecimento global derivado do excesso de gases de efeito estufa (CO2, NO2, metano), gerados por atividades humanas e o excessivo consumismo, que se armazenam na alta atmosfera causando mudanças climáticas, é hoje uma tragédia. Vivemos uma nova Era chamada de Antropoceno. As soluções monocêntricas globais a esta tragédia, de cima para baixo por exemplo, Protocolo de Kyoto de 1997 fracassaram. O artigo destaca a necessidade urgente de começar a usar soluções estratégicas policêntricas de baixo para cima , ações individuais e coletivas, em conjunto com as globais, para enfrentar a tragédia. Isso tem que basearse na instalação massiva de uma nova ética ambiental responsável por exemplo, baseada no princípio ético de responsabilidade individual de Kutz. Para isso se necessita por em acção uma ciência ambiental pósmoderna, crível, com uma democratização do conhecimento, e alfabetizar a sociedade de forma simples e direta sobre a informação dura da mudança climática em todas suas dimensões: negativas, positivas, novas oportunidades. Os meios de comunicação social massivos podem ser a chave para lograr este objetivo.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Environmental Health Education , Ethics , Global Warming , Social Responsibility , Greenhouse Effect , Postmodernism , Social Media
Braz. j. biol ; 75(2): 331-338, 05/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-749673


The role of greenhouse gas emissions from freshwater reservoirs and their contribution to increase greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere is currently under discussion in many parts of the world. We studied CO2 and CH4 diffusive fluxes from two large neotropical hydropower reservoirs with different climate conditions. We used floating closed-chambers to estimate diffusive fluxes of these gaseous species. Sampling campaigns showed that the reservoirs studied were sources of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. In the Serra da Mesa Reservoir, the CH4 emissions ranged from 0.530 to 396.96 mg.m–2.d–1 and CO2 emissions ranged from –1,738.33 to 11,166.61 mg.m–2.d–1 and in Três Marias Reservoir the CH4 fluxes ranged 0.720 to 2,578.03 mg.m–2.d–1 and CO2 emission ranged from -3,037.80 to 11,516.64 to mg.m–2.d–1. There were no statistically significant differences of CH4 fluxes between the reservoirs, but CO2 fluxes from the two reservoirs studied were significantly different. The CO2 emissions measured over the periods studied in Serra da Mesa showed some seasonality with distinctions between the wet and dry transition season. In Três Marias Reservoir the CO2 fluxes showed no seasonal variability. In both reservoirs, CH4 emissions showed a tendency to increase during the study periods but this was not statistically significant. These results contributed to increase knowledge about the magnitude of CO2 and CH4 emission in hydroelectric reservoirs, however due to natural variability of the data future sampling campaigns will be needed to better elucidate the seasonal influences on the fluxes of greenhouse gases.

Atualmente, em diversas partes do mundo, tem-se discutido muito sobre a contribuição das emissões de gases de efeito estufa oriundas de reservatórios hidrelétricos. Neste trabalho foram medidos fluxos difusivos de CO2 e CH4 em dois grandes reservatórios hidrelétricos neotropicais com diferentes condições climáticas (UHE Serra da Mesa e UHE Três Marias). Utilizamos câmaras flutuantes para estimar os fluxos difusivos de CO2 e CH4. As campanhas de amostragem mostraram que os dois reservatórios estudados apresentaram-se como fontes emissoras de gases por mecanismo de difusão. No reservatório de Serra da Mesa as emissões de CH4 variaram entre 0,530 e 396,96 mg.m–2.d–1 e as emissões de CO2 variaram entre –1.738,33 a 11.166,61 mg.m–2.d–1. No reservatório de Três Marias os fluxos de CH4 variaram entre 0,720 e 2.578,03 mg.m–2.d–1. Já os fluxos de CO2 variaram de -3.037,80 à 11.516,64 mg.m–2.d–1. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa dos fluxos de CH4 entre os reservatórios estudados, entretanto os fluxos de CO2 foram significativamente diferentes. As emissões de CO2 medidas ao longo dos períodos estudados em Serra da Mesa mostrou certa sazonalidade, com distinções entre o período de transição seco e úmido. No reservatório de Três Marias os fluxos de CO2 não apresentaram variabilidade sazonal. Em ambos os reservatórios, as emissões de CH4 apresentaram aumento do fluxo ao longo dos períodos de estudo, mas isso não foi estatisticamente significativo. Estes resultados contribuíram para aumentar o conhecimento sobre a variabilidade das emissões difusivas de CO2 e CH4 em reservatórios de usinas hidrelétricas. Entretanto, novas campanhas de amostragem serão necessárias para melhor estudar as influências sazonais sobre os fluxos dos gases de efeito estufa.

Carbon Dioxide/analysis , Environmental Monitoring , Fresh Water , Methane/analysis , Brazil , Greenhouse Effect , Seasons
São Paulo; s.n; 2013. 108 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-716056


A cartografia atual de nossas metrópoles tem origens históricas perturbadoras e disputadas por interesses hegemônicos capazes de se apoderarem de forma desigual do território. A urbanização da Cidade de São Paulo é caracterizada por um processo de construção social excludente e de supressa da maioria, que inviabilizou a criação de um modelo espacial urbano coletivamente mais justo. Embora a constância dos eventos climáticos extremos e as transformações ambientais sejam um componente a mais no desequilíbrio entre o espaço urbano construído e o ajuste ao ambiente, as conseqüências colhidas hoje não são apenas resultado da diagnosticada mudança climática em curso. Na verdade, ela potencializa os déficits que por anos acumularam-se ao produzir um espaço urbano que relevou fatores ambientais em sua gestão, construção e planejamento. Como estratégia de enfrentamento, o Município de São Paulo criou, em 2009, a Política Municipal de Mudança do Clima, cujo objetivo principal é alcançar a estabilização das concentrações de gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera, em um nível que impeça uma interferência antrópica perigosa no sistema climático. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo analisar a Política Municipal de Mudança do Clima a partir da inserção do Setor Saúde e de ações intersetoriais decorrentes. Utilizou-se como metodologia o modelo de Análise de Conteúdo. Conclui-se ser refutável a hipótese da pesquisa em que se afirmava que o Setor Saúde teria suas atribuições restritas para realizar o monitoramento da qualidade do ar. Ao contrário, observou-se um redirecionamento de suas ações, em que se estabeleceu uma relação dialética intersetorial positiva, nutrindo-se, na fase de implementação, de novas forçantes políticas, tangenciando e agregando potencialidades e vulnerabilidades restritas a outras políticas já existentes e, com isso, ampliando suas dimensões no sentido da prevenção e promoção da saúde.

Air Pollution , Climate Change , Environment , Environmental Pollution , Greenhouse Effect , Public Health , Public Policy , Risk Factors , Urbanization
ISESCO Journal of Science and Technology. 2013; 9 (15): 17-26
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-139786


In regions where biomass is a traditional fuel for cooking, improved cook-stoves can enhance indoor air quality, personal health, livelihoods, and the environment-while substantially reducing greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions. Although ongoing efforts have successfully disseminated improved stoves that achieve many of these benefits, substantially greater emissions reductions are needed to comply with international guidelines for indoor air quality and to limit GHG emissions like black carbon. Today, an estimated 2.5 billion people, or about one-third of the world's population, rely on biomass fuel for cooking. According to the World Health Organization [WHO], exposure to smoke from these open fires and cook-stoves leads to pneumonia, chronic respiratory disease, and lung cancer-causing an estimated 1.6 million deaths each yean. In the developing world, the disease burden from indoor smoke is comparable to the burdens from malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS. Improved cook-stoves with reduced emissions and greater fuel efficiency can achieve the following:- Reduce disease and save lives by decreasing exposure to indoor air pollution [IAP]. - Reduce the risk of violence against women and children gathering fuel in conflict areas.- Reduce the time and cost of procuring fuel, thereby freeing individuals for other productive activities.- Empower women and communities via engagement in the production, use, and distribution of cook stoves.- Mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions, including black carbon [BC].- Reduce pressure on forests and other vegetation and facilitate sustainable harvesting of biomass fuels

Air Pollution, Indoor/prevention & control , Cooking/instrumentation , Greenhouse Effect/prevention & control , Climate Change
Lebanese Science Journal. 2013; 14 (1): 119-128
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-143062


Research conducted between 1999 and 2004 to assess pressure on coastal zone focused on three main objectives: first, the evaluation of seawater intrusion in southern coastal wells, second, the soil salinization in greenhouses irrigated by well waters, and third the management of saline water in two soil textures. Groundwater contamination was assessed by regular sampling of six wells for 30 months. The salinity of water fluctuated around 3 dS m[-1] and the Simpson index [Cl/HCO[3]] indicated levels of moderate to injurious contaminations. The Na/Cl ratios remained < 1, suggesting a seawater intrusion rather than an anthropogenic origin. In all sites, greenhouse growers had to rely on other water sources [e.g. rainwater, domestic] to supply the crop needs. In some cases, the crop had to be interrupted as salinity decreased yields. Improving the management of water and nutrients was studied in a tomato/Jew's-mallow sequence. Three levels of water salinity [1, 2.5 and 5 dS m[-1]] were tested in sandy and clay soils. Under sound management of fertilizers input and a leaching fraction, the salinity had no obvious negative effect on tomato in the clay soil. The Jew's mallow had a role in the removal of residual salts.

Salinity , Solanum lycopersicum , Crops, Agricultural , Greenhouse Effect
Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health ; : 105-110, 2013.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-221344


OBJECTIVES: The mass media play a crucial role in risk communication regarding climate change. The aim of this study was to investigate the trend in journalistic reports on climate change in the daily newspapers of Korea. METHODS: We selected 9 daily newspapers in Korea, which according to the ABC Association, represented 77% of newspaper circulation, out of a total of 44 Korean daily newspapers. The collected articles were from 2009 to 2011. All of the articles were sorted into the following 8 categories: greenhouse gas, climate change conventions, sea level rise, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change synthesis reports, expected damage and effect, use of fossil fuels, global warming, and mitigation or adaptation. A chi-squared test was done on the articles, which were counted and classified into cause, effect, and measurement of climate change according to the newspaper's majority or minority ownership structure. RESULTS: From the 9 selected newspapers, the number of articles on climate change by month was greatest in December 2009. Generally, the articles vague about climate change (lack of precise data, negative or skeptical tone, and improper use of terminology) were much more common than the articles presenting accurate knowledge. A statistical difference was found based on ownership structure: the majority-owned newspapers addressed the cause of climate change, while the minority-owned newspapers referred more to climate change measurement. CONCLUSIONS: Our investigation revealed that generally Korean daily newspapers did not deliver accurate information about climate change. The coverage of the newspapers showed significant differences according to the ownership structure.

Humans , Asian People , Climate Change , Global Warming , Greenhouse Effect , Periodical/trends , Ownership , Republic of Korea
Braz. j. biol ; 72(3,supl): 673-681, Aug. 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-649321


The southern Brazilian grassland biome contains highly diverse natural ecosystems that have been used for centuries for grazing livestock and that also provide other important environmental services. Here we outline the main factors controlling ecosystem processes, review and discuss the available data on soil carbon stocks and greenhouse gases emissions from soils, and suggest opportunities for mitigation of climatic change. The research on carbon and greenhouse gases emissions in these ecosystems is recent and the results are still fragmented. The available data indicate that the southern Brazilian natural grassland ecosystems under adequate management contain important stocks of organic carbon in the soil, and therefore their conservation is relevant for the mitigation of climate change. Furthermore, these ecosystems show a great and rapid loss of soil organic carbon when converted to crops based on conventional tillage practices. However, in the already converted areas there is potential to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions by using cropping systems based on no soil tillage and cover-crops, and the effect is mainly related to the potential of these crop systems to accumulate soil organic carbon in the soil at rates that surpass the increased soil nitrous oxide emissions. Further modelling with these results associated with geographic information systems could generate regional estimates of carbon balance.

Os campos do sul do Brasil são ecossistemas naturais com alta diversidade e têm sido há séculos importantes para a atividade pastoril e para outros importantes serviços ambientais. Este trabalho aponta os principais fatores que controlam os processos ecossistêmicos, revisa e discute os dados disponíveis sobre os estoques de carbono no solo e as emissões de gases de efeito estufa dos solos, e sugere oportunidades de mitigação das mudanças climáticas. A pesquisa sobre as emissões de carbono e gases de efeito estufa nos campos do sul do Brasil é recente e os resultados são ainda fragmentados. Os dados disponíveis indicam que os ecossistemas campestres naturais manejados adequadamente contêm estoques importantes de carbono orgânico no solo e, portanto, sua conservação é relevante para a mitigação das mudanças climáticas. Além disso, esses ecossistemas apresentam uma grande e rápida perda de carbono orgânico do solo quando convertidos para lavouras com preparo convencional do solo. No entanto, nas áreas já convertidas, há potencial para mitigar as emissões de gases de efeito estufa por meio de sistemas de cultivo usando plantio direto e rotações de culturas baseadas em plantas de cobertura de solo. O efeito está relacionado principalmente ao potencial desses sistemas de cultivo para acumular matéria orgânica do solo em taxas que superam o aumento das emissões de óxido nitroso. O uso de modelos com esses resultados associados aos sistemas de informação geográfica poderá gerar estimativas regionais de balanço de carbono.

Carbon/analysis , Greenhouse Effect , Gases/analysis , Soil/chemistry , Brazil , Crops, Agricultural , Carbon/metabolism , Environmental Monitoring , Gases/metabolism
Braz. j. biol ; 72(3,supl): 775-785, Aug. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-649327


Agricultural areas deal with enormous CO2 intake fluxes offering an opportunity for greenhouse effect mitigation. In this work we studied the potential of soil carbon sequestration due to the management conversion in major agricultural activities in Brazil. Data from several studies indicate that in soybean/maize, and related rotation systems, a significant soil carbon sequestration was observed over the year of conversion from conventional to no-till practices, with a mean rate of 0.41 Mg C ha-1 year-1. The same effect was observed in sugarcane fields, but with a much higher accumulation of carbon in soil stocks, when sugarcane fields are converted from burned to mechanised based harvest, where large amounts of sugarcane residues remain on the soil surface (1.8 Mg C ha-1 year-1). The higher sequestration potential of sugarcane crops, when compared to the others, has a direct relation to the primary production of this crop. Nevertheless, much of this mitigation potential of soil carbon accumulation in sugarcane fields is lost once areas are reformed, or intensive tillage is applied. Pasture lands have shown soil carbon depletion once natural areas are converted to livestock use, while integration of those areas with agriculture use has shown an improvement in soil carbon stocks. Those works have shown that the main crop systems of Brazil have a huge mitigation potential, especially in soil carbon form, being an opportunity for future mitigation strategies.

Áreas agrícolas trocam enormes fluxos de CO2, oferecendo uma oportunidade para mitigar o efeito estufa. Neste trabalho, estudou-se o potencial de sequestro de carbono em razão da conversão no manejo das principais atividades agrícolas do Brasil. Dados de vários estudos têm indicado que no sistema soja/milho e nas respectivas rotações, ocorre um sequestro de carbono no solo significativo ao longo dos anos de conversão do plantio convencional para o plantio direto, com uma média de 0,41 Mg C ha-1 ano-1. O mesmo efeito tem sido observado nos canaviais, porém há maiores acúmulos de carbono no solo quando as áreas de cana-de-açúcar são convertidas da colheita baseada na queima para a mecanizada, em que grandes quantidades de palha são deixadas na superfície do solo (1,8 Mg C ha-1 ano-1). Esse maior potencial de acúmulo de carbono no solo nos canaviais, comparado com outras culturas, está diretamente relacionado com a maior produção primária dessa cultura. Apesar disso, muito desse potencial de sequestro é perdido, uma vez que os canaviais são reformados, sob preparo intensivo do solo. As áreas de pasto mostram uma depleção nos estoques de carbono, quando convertidas de áreas naturais; porém, a integração dessas áreas com agricultura pode promover o aumento nos estoques de carbono do solo. Os trabalhos têm mostrado que as principais atividades agrícolas do Brasil possuem um grande potencial de mitigação, especialmente na forma de acúmulo de carbono no solo, sendo uma oportunidade para estratégias futuras.

Humans , Agriculture/methods , Carbon/analysis , Soil/chemistry , Brazil , Carbon Sequestration , Crops, Agricultural/growth & development , Environmental Monitoring , Greenhouse Effect , Soil/analysis
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop. Säo Paulo ; 54(4): 214-214, July-Aug. 2012.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-643957
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 110(1): 39-45, feb. 2012. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-616561


Las infecciones en el hombre están íntimamente relacionadas con el medio ambiente, en especial aquellas transmitidas por vectores, aguas y alimentos. El cambio ambiental tiene un gran potencial de selección de distintas enfermedades infecciosas, lo cual favorece la aparición de epidemias. A pesar de ello, establecer una relación directa causa-efecto, clima-enfermedad, no resulta sencillo debido a su condición multifactorial. Por ese motivo se han desarrollado distintos modelos epidemiológicos predictivos teóricos, con el objetivo de determinar el grado de sensibilidad de las distintas enfermedades a las variaciones climáticas y su relación con los brotes infecciosos para poder así implementar medidas preventivas.

Humans , Male , Female , Climate Change , Communicable Diseases , Disease Vectors , Epidemiology , Greenhouse Effect , Public Health
Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 1025-1029, 2012.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-274788


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To project the future impacts of climate change on heat-related mortality in shanghai.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>The statistical downscaling techniques were applied to simulate the daily mean temperatures of Shanghai in the middle and farther future under the changing climate. Based on the published exposure-reaction relationship of temperature and mortality in Shanghai, we projected the heat-related mortality in the middle and farther future under the circumstance of high speed increase of carbon e mission (A2) and low speed increase of carbon emission (B2). The data of 1961 to 1990 was used to establish the model, and the data of 1991 - 2001 was used to testify the model, and then the daily mean temperature from 2030 to 2059 and from 2070 to 2099 were simulated and the heat-related mortality was projected. The data resources were from U.S. National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction Reanalysis Data in SDSM Website and UK Hadley Centre Coupled Model Data in SDSM Website.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The explained variance and the standard error of the established model was separately 98.1% and 1.24°C. The R(2) value of the simulated trend line equaled to 0.978 in Shanghai, as testified by the model. Therefore, the temperature prediction model simulated daily mean temperatures well. Under A2 scenario, the daily mean temperature in 2030 - 2059 and 2070 - 2099 were projected to be 17.9°C and 20.4°C, respectively, increasing by 1.1°C and 3.6°C when compared to baseline period (16.8°C). Under B2 scenario, the daily mean temperature in 2030 - 2059 and 2070 - 2099 were projected to be 17.8°C and 19.1°C, respectively, increasing by 1.0°C and 2.3°C when compared to baseline period (16.8°C). Under A2 scenario, annual average heat-related mortality were projected to be 516 cases and 1191 cases in 2030 - 2059 and 2070 - 2099, respectively, increasing 53.6% and 254.5% when compared with baseline period (336 cases). Under B2 scenario, annual average heat-related mortality were projected to be 498 cases and 832 cases in 2030 - 2059 and 2070 - 2099, respectively, increasing 48.2% and 147.6% when compared with baseline period (336 cases).</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Under the changing climate, heat-related mortality is projected to increase in the future;and the increase will be more obvious in year 2070 - 2099 than in year 2030 - 2059.</p>

Humans , China , Climate Change , Greenhouse Effect , Models, Theoretical , Mortality , Risk Assessment
Journal of Advanced Research. 2012; 3 (1): 11-19
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-150803


Although Egypt has already reached the water poverty limit, it possesses a high potential brackish groundwater available from different aquifers. All Arab countries lie in the best sun-belt region in the world and Egypt has the highest number of sun hours all year round. Solar energy for groundwater; desalination is an independent infinite energy resource; it has low running costs and reduces the contribution of greenhouse gases [GHG] to global warming. Perfect meteorological conditions and land space are available in remote areas, where solar desalination could supply freshwater for drinking, industry, and for greenhouse agriculture. The present study uses Geographic Information System[s] [GIS] as a spatial decision support tool to select appropriate sites in Egypt for groundwater solar desalination. Solar radiation, aquifer depth, aquifer salinity, distance from the Delta and the Nile Valley, incidence of flash floods, sand dunes, rock faults, and sea-water intrusion in the North Delta, are the criteria that have been taken into consideration in the process of analysis. A specific weight is given to each criterion according to its relative influence on the process of decision making. The results from the application of the presented methodology determine the relative suitability of sites for groundwater solar desalination. These sites are ranked in descending order to help decision-makers in Egypt. The results show that groundwater solar desalination is suitable in remote regions on the North Western Coast, on the North Sinai Coast, and at the Southern Oasis, for reducing greenhouse gases and that it is particularly useful for poor communities suffering from polluted water

Solar Energy/statistics & numerical data , Greenhouse Effect , Global Warming , Groundwater/analysis